
Our website is currently under construction. Please check back often for updates and improvements to the site!

The Northern California Prescribed Fire Council is a venue for practitioners, state and federal agencies, academic institutions, tribes, coalitions, and interested individuals to work collaboratively to promote, protect, conserve, and expand the responsible use of prescribed fire in Northern California’s fire-adapted landscapes.

The Council works to bring voices together around fire management in California.

Our Council members bring years of experience to the fire management space.

What is Prescribed Fire?

Prescribed fire, also known as controlled burning or “rx fire,” is the practice of using fire ignited under known conditions of fuel, weather, and topography to achieve specified objectives, is used in a variety of landscapes and contexts in northern California. 

Coming soon - join our mailing list!

COMING SOON - get on our mailing list for the latest events, training opportunities, and policy updates in the world of prescribed fire in California.